Monday, November 1, 2010

Designing a brand identity

Logo is a symbolic representation of your company’s vision, values and oaths. It is a graphic representation of your company's identity. Virtual Business Solutions we will help you portray the true brand identity of your business through custom designed logos.

A good Logo design is supposed to tell people what your company does at a glance. A logo could be a graphic, text, illustration, or combination of all. Creating a company logo is one of the most important stages in building brand awareness for your customer.
We create high impact design tools to market your business including brand identities to stamp your business and make outstanding.

Your company's brand identity / logo is the cornerstone to the overall marketing strategy of your business. Properly designed logo offers immediate brand recognition, identifies your product and company but most importantly the logo is what differentiates you from your competition. Think about Nike, McDonalds and Disney. The images that just flooded your visual mind represent powerful brand identities. What will your clients "see" when they think about your company?

Your brand identity is one of the most identifiable elements of your company. We are all guilty, as consumers, for judging a company based on its visual presentation - in other words, based on the brand identity / logo design and as a result the businesses perceived value.

Logos are created for the following objectives:

  • Creating an Identity for your company
  • Easy Recognition by customers
  • Branding - Visual impact & memory recall
  • Marketing Purposes
  • Promote a feeling of authenticity and professionalism

Ask yourself the following questions to rate the effectiveness of your logo:

  • Is your logo design unique?
  • Does your logo distinguish you from your competition?
  • Does your logo communicate the quality of your offer and company?
  • Is your logo design functional?
  • Does your logo speak positively to your customers?
  • Does your logo give your product and business any credibility?
  • Is your logo visually attractive?


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