Thursday, October 28, 2010

My research project proposal

What is the theme or topic area that you are hoping to investigate in your research project?

  • How is branding done for an ice cream/dessert/chocolate parlour?

Can you identify two or more questions that the research will help you go some way towards answering?

  • What is branding?
    1. What branding has been opted by various ice cream/ chocolate/ dessert parlors?
    2. What sort branding is appropriate for an ice cream/ dessert/ chocolate parlor?
  • What and how do the competitors position themselves and where is the gap?
  • What are the ways of visual design applied in an ice cream/ chocolate/ dessert parlor to appeal the Target Audience?
  • The study of various brands of ice cream/ chocolate/ dessert parlors.
    1. Where do they exist?
    2. What is their market positioning?
    3. What is their Target Audience?
    4. What all is sold?
    5. What sort of branding have they done?
  • Which age group is the target audience?
    1. What are the preferences of various age groups in India?
    2. What is the frequency of intake of desserts in Indian market? Is it occasionally based?
    3. Study on the target audience DILO.
  • Comparing the look and feel for various food brands.

What sort of approaches will you employ to collect data for your research enquiry? For example; if you were going to interview students- how many would you interview? What sort of themes would you be questioning them about?

  • Literature review of the existing ice cream/ chocolate/dessert parlors in Delhi, case studies on their success/ failure. i.e., Gainis, Nirulas ice cream parlor, gelato, cocoberry, chocola, kwality walls, baskin robbins.
  • Data collection through Visits to ice cream/ dessert/ chocolate parlors and Talks to related people.
  • Interviews with people who enjoy desserts of a sample size of minimum 150.
  • Visual log like observations done in front of ice-cream/chocolate/dessert parlors, recordings of target audience group.
  • Group discussions with the target audience.

What is the purpose of your research? Why is it useful?

Studying the branding and market positioning of dessert parlors in Delhi which will help me gain an insight view in what works or what doesn’t work among the various age groups of the city. I will also expand my knowledge and learning in the application of communication design in developing branding. It will also help me learn promotional ways and application of communication design in the same.

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